In 2013, Chairman Xi Jinping put forward the Belt and Road Initiative, focusing on the future and destiny of mankind as well as the development of China and all over the world.
On March 25, 2013, President Xi Jinping delivered a speech titled “Reliable Friends and Sincere Partners Forever” at the Julius Nyerere International Convention Center, Tanzania.
Ten years, a decade marked by sincerity, trustworthiness and practical cooperation;a decade dedicated to the development and construction of China-Africa community with a shared future in the new era.
What unites us is not only the deep traditional friendship and common interests but also our respective aspirations.
Chinese Dream & African Dream
Join Hands for a Brighter Future
Producer: Jiang Xiejun,
Zou Jihong
Planning: Zhu Ding, Cao Xian
Coordinating: Li Weifeng, Zhou Wenbo, Zhou Yuegui
Reporter: Cao Xian, Zhou Yuegui, Huang Lifei, Meng Jiaoyan, Peng Kexin, Huang Tingting
Photography: Gu Pengbo, Wang Jue, Yi Ang, Zeng Guanlin, Chen Meng, Gu Rong
Music: A Kun
Dubbing: Wang Yiwei
Postproduction: Wang Jue
Sailing to the African Continent
By Hunan Daily
- 世界新消息丨Sailing to the African Continent 丨Reliable Friends and Sincere Partners
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