德国CSSY创新实验室(Cssy innovation laboratory in Germany)1984年由德国人Johann发起,德国化学家、生物学家,毕业于慕尼黑工业大学,曾任《应用化学杂志》(Journal für praktische Chemie)的主编;是德国政府授权的生物化学研究实验机构,总部位于乌尔姆市,团队超过50名拥有研究生以上学历的核心研发团队,超过200名专业技术人员一支充满活力与创造力的研发队;2000年后CSSY创新实验室扩展到亚洲的中国香港(与天默国际合作)、日本(与SK合作)、新加坡(与Bio合作)等三个国家地区,2019年扩展到北美洲、非洲、亚洲等11个国家,主要从事用化学生物学研究磷酸酶、定量蛋白质组学、化学信息学和代谢、表面活性剂、化妆品添加剂、乳化剂、香精、化妆品等日化新技术、新材料、新产品、新设备的研究开发及技术服务的实验室。
Cssy innovation laboratory in Germany
Cssy innovation laboratory in Germany was founded by Johann of Germany in 1984. He is a German chemist and biologist. He graduated from Munich University of technology and was the editor in chief of journal f ü R Praktische Chemie; It is a biochemical research and experimental institution authorized by the German government, headquartered in Ulm, with more than 50 core R & D teams with graduate degree or above and more than 200 professional and technical personnel. It is a dynamic and creative R & D team; After 2000, cssy innovation laboratory will be expanded to Hong Kong, China (cooperating with Tianmo International), Japan (cooperating with SK) and Singapore (cooperating with bio) in Asia. In 2019, cssy innovation laboratory will be expanded to 11 countries in North America, Africa and Asia. It is mainly engaged in the research of phosphatase, quantitative proteomics, chemical informatics and metabolism, surfactant, and so on Laboratories for research, development and technical services of cosmetic additives, emulsifiers, fragrances, cosmetics and other new technologies, new materials, new products and new equipment.
Cssy laboratory provides high-level training for scientists, students and visiting scholars; To provide necessary scientific research services for scientists from Europe, Asia and Africa; Develop new scientific research instruments and methods in the field of life science; Actively participate in the transformation and application of biotechnology.
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